
These ministries are grouped into spiritual, developmental and leadership ministries. The first five are spiritual ministries, the second five are for development and the last one is for leadership of the ministry, which includes governance, administration and management of all the ministries. We pray that God will push as faster and further beyond where and what have never thought of, and glory be to Him.

  • The purpose of MOM is the Worship of the Living God and intercession for missions and nations. We aim at engaging ourselves and teaching people, especially churches to praise, worship and adore the Living God and pray for the Church, Missions and Nations.

    MOM establishes prayer centres in different communities and countries. Currently, Mizeituni Adoration and Worship Centre (MAWC) is established. More than 400 prayer warriors meet to worship and fellowship.

    This centre serves as the the RIM Hub for Central Africa Missions and Sustainable Development.

    We have also established twelve of twenty five planned prayer centres in Minembwe, in D.R. Congo. However, some of these centres were destroyed by the wars.

    We would like to establish such Prayer Centres in all the Countries of our operations.

  • The purpose of this ministry is to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ across national, cultural, and language borders and assist existing churches to build on the foundation of Christ. This is the core ministry for initial church planting. Identifies unreached areas, recognizes people called for missions, recruits, trains, sends them to the unreached places and follows them up. Plants national churches and leaves them to nationals at maturity and moves to new nations. This ministry also works with existing churches to empower them for missions and sustainable development.

  • The purpose of Release International Mission has planted churches is to provide proper disciple believers. These are the national churches established and being established in different nations with the mandate of teaching/feeding believers with the word of God to grow to maturity. Initial few churches are planted in the target countries, and in turn they expand to the unreached communities within their respective countries. RIM has so far planted 22 churches in Kenya, Canada, US, and Australia.

  • The purpose of Release Media and Bible Ministry (MBM) is to proclaim the word of God through mass media and the written word. This includes Christian literature, radio, TV and Bible translation in languages of the target community groups to avail the Bible in languages that people can read and understand in the languages of their hearts. Translation of the Bible in Kinyamulenge is currently ongoing. About 500,000 people will read that Bible. Other Media programs will be initiated.

  • This is a research program for innovation and how to put in practice the existing knowledge in socio-economic technological and environmental development through publications. There should be research before implementation of programs to make sure it is based on updated facts.

  • The purpose of Release Community Development Ministry (CDM) is to bring about socio-economic development, livelihoods diversification and industrialization, community empowerment and capacity building, and food security, and any other community initiated programs. Provision and production of environment friendly sustainable energy is one of the major focuses. The energy production will include electricity through construction of small scale hydro electrical plants, solar, wind, and Biogas digesters.

    CDM also aims at empowering churches economically to enable them for sustainability and support to mission work.

  • Release Education Ministry (REM) deals mainly with educational institutions and capacity building programs. Some of the institutions that REM is planning to establish include:

    1. Release Group of Schools: These are primary and secondary schools that will be established in different countries.

    2. Release Higher Education Institutions: They include Release University of Minembge (RUM), Release University of Hargeisa (RUH).

    3. Technical Vocational and Educational Training Institutions (TVETs): There is need of skills to do work. One day in class for life time work.

    Land is already acquired in D.R. Congo for RUM. The institutions will focus on applied sciences and technology to enable people create jobs. They also aim at development of leaders of influence.

    May the Lord God make these dreams realities.

  • Release Health Ministry (RHM) is a ministry that will provide health services to people. Preventive services will be the main focus although curative will also be part of the ministry.

  • Release Environment Stewardship Ministry (RESM) deals with environment protection, conservation and improvement through sustainable programs. It also deals with lobbying for the same purpose through churches and communities. God commands to take care of the environment (Romans 8:16-22).

  • Release Peace-building Ministry (RPM). RPM target countries that went through civil wars and conflicts that left hurts to individuals, families/households, communities and nations. If these hurts are not properly addressed they may have long term consequences on them then affecting healthy development of the countries and the regions in general. RPM will identify the hurts and bring about relief to those affected through healing, reconciliation and building lasting peace between the affected groups. That peace will pave way for development and well-being of the people and nations.

  • Governance and administration at the level of global, national, regional and local church boards.

    1. Decision making level.

    2. Gives direction to the organization.

    The Operations Ministry deals with:

    1. Finance.

    2. Administration and Human Resource.

    3. Partnership.

    4. Communication.