Who We Are

Release International Mission (RIM) is a Glocal Missions and Sustainable Development organization that was started by Victor Mikebanyi in 1994, and later in 2002 joined by Simon Nkundabantu, to expand the Kingdom of God among the least reached and unreached communities in Africa and beyond. It started in Nairobi, Kenya among the immigrants/refugees from DR Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Afghanistan. Its strategy is wholistic. It endeavors to meet the needs of people in all dimensions of life. RIM follows the itinerary of the Gospel according to the instructions of Jesus Christ beginning from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the world. Currently, RIM has activities including church plants in Kenya, DR Congo, Canada, United States, and Australia. 

Our Vision: Envisions people from every nation and language fully released from the bondage of evil, and transformed in every aspect of life, and establishing the Kingdom of Heaven within their communities, nurtured through new and/or existing churches. 

Our Mission: Make Disciples that Plant Churches, Care for the People, and the Environment. 

Vision and Mission Statement

Core Values

Salvation through Jesus Christ alone 

Bible is the only authority on spiritual matters

Holy Spirit is the enforcer of the Bible as God’s written word (fruits, gifts & ministries)

Worship and Adoration of the Living God in Jesus Christ is the reason of our existence

Holiness as the mode of life

Expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Great Commission

Work to add value that improves earth and makes it a better place to live

Good life in a Good Environment on earth as we wait for the second visible advent of Jesus Christ our King

Faith Statement


There is only one true and living God, the Maker of heavens and earth and all they contain; fully perfect in His being and attributes; and Him alone is to receive honor and glory from all His creatures.

The Trinity

God  exists in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; and these three are all One true and living God, the same in essence, equal in power and glory, each with different roles. 


The Holy Scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments are the only Word of God; they are thus, inspired, inerrant, and infallible, and they are the only authoritative rule of faith and practice.

The Fall of Man

All human beings, having descended from Adam, they have participated in his sin, thus they are all lost in sin and totally unable to save themselves.

The Mediator 

God has appointed His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to be the mediator between God and man; and though fully God, He willingly became man, but unlike sinful man, He lived a perfect and sinless life, He suffered, was crucified, and He died for the salvation of sinners, after three days, He rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven, and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for His people.


Regeneration is the supernatural work of God’s free and special grace whereby the Holy Spirit changes the heart of the sinner from the state of deadness, and gives him life, through the proclamation of the gospel of grace.


Repentance is the work of God’s grace whereby, the Holy Spirit convicts the sinner of his sin, so that he sorrowfully hates it, and turns to God wholly by living to please Him alone.


Justification is the gracious work of God in which He forgives sinners and clothes them with the righteousness of Jesus Christ; it is not because of what they have done, but it is entirely because of what Christ has done for them, that they receive by faith alone.

Justifying Faith

Justifying or saving faith is a saving grace that the Holy Spirit creates in the sinner’s heart through the hearing of God’s Word so that he can trust Christ alone and His finished redemptive work for his eternal life.


Sanctification is a gracious work of God, whereby those who have been regenerated or born again are sanctified by God’s Word and His Spirit living in them, so that they will become more and more like Christ.

Perseverance of the Saints 

Those who genuinely believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, are not only saved, but they are also sons and daughters of God; God preserves them, and consequently, they will persevere to the end.

The Sovereign God 

It was only out of His love, mercy, and grace that the sovereign God chose sinners from every nation and tribe, and has granted them life through the power of the Holy Spirit and the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ. It is for this reason that we boldly and confidently proclaim the gospel because we are sure that the sovereign God to whom belong all power and authority, will eventually bring other sheep that are still scattered in the world.


Salvation is by God’s grace, through faith alone, in Christ alone; and those who are saved have been called to live in holiness and do good works, all for the glory of God.

The Return of Jesus Christ

Christ will come back to earth to culminate history and the eternal plan of God; He will usher the righteous into eternal life, and the wicked into eternal punishment.